Newtonian dynamics and electrical circuit theory, also deal with time-dependent behavior, system dynamics emphasizes methods for handling applications containing multiple types of components and processes such as electromechanical devices, electrohydraulic devices, and fluid-thermal processes.
System dynamics book Description
This book deals with the Laplace transforms, system modelling, rotational studies, frequency response of different multi orders, and many more.
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Major chapters Includes:
Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to System Dynamics 2
1.2 Units 9
1.3 Developing Linear Models 11
1.4 Introduction to Differential Equations 17
1.5 A Case Study in Motion Control 21
1.6 MATLAB Review 28
1.7 Chapter Review 34
Problems 35
Dynamic Response Methods 40
2.1 Solving Differential Equations 41
2.2 Response Parameters and Stability 59
2.3 The Laplace Transform Method 72
2.4 Solving Equations with the Laplace
Transform 80
2.5 Transfer Functions 88
2.6 Pulse and Impulse Inputs 92
2.7 Partial-Fraction Expansion 100
2.8 Laplace Transforms and MATLAB 109
2.9 Transfer-Function Analysis in MATLAB 111
2.10 Chapter Review 118
References 119
Problems 120
Equivalent Mass and Inertia 143
3.4 General Planar Motion 150
3.5 Additional Examples 156
3.6 A Case Study in Motion Control 165
3.7 Chapter Review 170
Reference 171
Problems 171
4.1 Spring Elements 185
4.2 Modeling Mass-Spring Systems 196
4.3 Energy Methods 207
4.4 Damping Elements 217
4.5 Additional Modeling Examples 228
4.6 Collisions and Impulse Response 239
4.7 MATLAB Applications 243
4.8 Case Study: Vehicle Suspension Design 247
4.9 Chapter Review 254
References 254
Problems 254
Part I. Model Forms 275
5.1 Transfer Functions and Block Diagram
Models 275
5.2 State-Variable Models 284
Part II. MATLAB Methods 295
5.3 State-Variable Methods with MATLAB 295
5.4 The MATLAB ode Functions 303
Part III. Simulink Methods 315
5.5 Simulink and Linear Models 315
5.6 Simulink and Nonlinear Models 321
6.1 Electrical Elements 344
6.2 Circuit Examples 350
6.3 Transfer Functions and Impedance 359
6.4 Operational Amplifiers 368
6.5 Electric Motors 373
6.6 Analysis of Motor Performance 382
6.7 Case Study: Design of a Motion-Control
System 386
6.8 Sensors and Electroacoustic Devices 394
6.9 MATLAB Applications 398
6.10 Simulink Applications 407
6.11 Chapter Review 410
Problems 411
Part I. Fluid Systems 422
7.1 Conservation of Mass 422
7.2 Fluid Capacitance 424
7.3 Fluid Resistance 428
7.4 Dynamic Models of Hydraulic Systems 432
7.5 Pneumatic Systems 445
Part II. Thermal Systems 448
7.6 Thermal Capacitance 449
7.7 Thermal Resistance 450
7.8 Dynamic Models of Thermal Systems 459
Part III. MATLAB and Simulink Applications 467
7.9 MATLAB Applications 467
7.10 Simulink Applications 471
8.1 Response of First-Order Systems 492
8.2 Response of Second-Order Systems 501
8.3 Description and Specification of Step
Response 512
8.4 Parameter Estimation in the Time
Domain 520
8.5 MATLAB Applications 529
8.6 Simulink Applications 531
8.7 Chapter Review 533
9.1 Frequency Response of First-Order
Systems 543
9.2 Frequency Response of Higher-Order
Systems 556
9.3 Frequency Response Applications 568
9.4 Filtering Properties of Dynamic
Systems 581
9.5 Response to General Periodic Inputs 589
9.6 System Identification from Frequency
Response 592
9.7 Case Study: Vehicle Suspension
Design 597
9.8 Frequency Response Analysis Using
9.9 Chapter Review 606
10.5 Control System Analysis 648
10.6 Controlling First-Order Plants 653
10.7 Controlling Second-Order Plants 662
10.8 Additional Examples 670
10.9 Case Study: Motion Control with
Feedback 684
10.10 Simulink Applications 691
10.11 Chapter Review 694
11.1 Root Locus Plots 712
11.2 Design Using the Root Locus Plot 717
11.3 Tuning Controllers 747
11.4 Saturation and Reset Windup 753
11.5 State-Variable Feedback 760
11.6 MATLAB Applications 769
11.7 Simulink Applications 777
11.8 Chapter Review 778
12.1 Series Compensation 797
12.2 Design Using the Bode Plot 816
12.3 MATLAB Applications 833
12.4 Simulink Applications 838
12.5 Chapter Review 839
Problems 840
13 Vibration Applications
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